Monday 16 April 2012

Pruebas de Certificación - Nivel Avanzado 2 (B2)

Click HERE to go to the page

Check this link out! You've got exams to practice all the skills for the exam. Follow the instructions and you won't get lost. I WOULD LIKE SOME FEEDBACK! Enjoy

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Global Financial Crisis

A simple explanation of what's wrong with the global economy, and why it's getting worse.

Sunday 12 February 2012


Watch the video and leave a comment. You have to summarize the content using your own words to describe the paralelism between the two worlds shown. What do you think the author's intention is?

Thursday 9 February 2012


This year's JORNADAS CULTURALES will take place next week (February 15th & 16th)! 

There will be competitions, workshops, games, musicals... you have to come and join us! 

Please don't forget to 
- write your poem or minisaga, 
make a nice bookmarker or...
- prepare a cake for the competition (please send us the recipe).

You can win interesting prizes! 

Without you we can do nothing!

To see the programme click HERE.